#AprilGeeksOut – ENFJ Personality
I’m a personality-typing junkie (it helps me customize marketing – empower people). As an ENFJ (aka the Protagonist), according to Myers-Briggs, I was built for my business! Do you know your MBTI type? I’d love to know it!!...11,000 views on Instagram? Agent’s video reviewed by April.
An agent gets 11k views of her DIY video on Instagram?!? I break down what she does well and what could be improved. If you’re ready to boost your views on social media, text, call, or email at 720-323-0199,...Doubling income during the pandemic with marketing (Colin Whitenack)
Within days after Colin Whitenack hired me, we went into lockdown. While many agents questioned whether or not to invest in marketing during the pandemic, Colin focused on us building a foundation for his business. IT. PAID. OFF. Colin and I recently discussed how my...
Heather Bustos: April is a very talented and bright young woman.
April, I have enjoyed working with you…you are a very talented and bright young woman. Keep innovating and create the business and future that you want!~ Heather Bustos, Regional Vice President at Compass /...